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FEBRUARY — Love Month & Exciting News!

Hello Dear Reader,

Happy Love Month ♥ We have come to the second issue of the 2024 year! Before I dive into the content for this month, I have some news that I think you’re going to LOVE to hear! I am in the final stages of having the sequel to “The Abditory” being released to the public. **insert happy jumps and hugs here ** I don’t have an official date just yet but trust me when I say you’ll be the first to know!

Now while that holds you over, onto the newsletter:


In honor of today…

What’s a frog’s favorite time of year?
Leap Year!

Verse of the Month

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

Hebrews 13:16 ESV


For all us Midwesterners, we were pleasantly surprised with a random warm day in the midst of this bitter winter. And when I say warm, I mean like 72 degrees warm compared to our usual 30. Servina took full advantage of that and took the opportunity to do some exploring! Here’s an “in the moment” picture from her day:

“Little Women” Book Review
As you know, we have started this year with a New Years Resolution of our own — a reading challenge, reading 12 classic books in 12 months.

For January, our book was “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott.

My Overall Opinion:
I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this book! When picking it out, I had it in my mind that this was going to be a somewhat difficult read just from the era it was written in, but I found the exact opposite. Alcott’s vocabulary, sentence structure, and ideas hold true through the test of time. Honestly, I probably could’ve finished the book within a week, if I didn’t have other responsibilities at the time.

My Favorite Character:
While Jo and Laurie are definitely high on the scale, Marmee / Mrs. March takes the lead. I loved the wisdom that she provided to her daughters throughout the story, as only a mother can do, and her genuineness and humility. One of my favorite quotes was something she said.

Things I Didn’t Like / Would Change:
SPOILER ALERT — I was definitely sad when Beth died. I don’t think I would’ve changed it, as I found it crucial to the story, but tears were shed when it came to that part.

5/5 — it is most definitely a book that I could see myself rereading in the future.

Other Comments:
I have seen the 1949 film adaptation of “Little Women” starring June Allyson and Elizabeth Taylor, and it is one of my favorite films! I have yet to see the 1994 version with Winona Ryder and Christian Bale but has definitely moved up on my list. I think both adaptions hold true to the original text in different ways and am eager to compare them for myself.

All in all, I found this to be a perfect book to kickstart our challenge and hope that you, dear reader, feel the same.

Here’s a summarized version of my review:

Ways to Love After Love Month

Valentine’s Day is over. Whether we spent it with a significant other, with your gals, family, or even by yourself, that doesn’t mean its meaning is done.

Words of Love:
– Tell your S/O that you’re proud of them
– Ask your sibling what’s new in their lives
– Tell your parents you appreciate them for their sacrifices
– Tell a friend something you admire about them

Actions of Love:
– Make a themed dinner, whether it’s the overall theme of love or maybe specifics over what you love most about the person
– Do a chore that you don’t normally handle, like taking out the trash or vacuuming the house
– Text you someone you don’t normally see and set up a coffee date
– Give a massage! Nothing like a little relaxation to show a person you care

Gifts of Love:
– Write a letter detailing what you think about the person, how they’re special in your life and why they matter to you
– Notice your friend, sibling, or S/O has been needing something? Go and buy it for them! Gift giving doesn’t just have to happen on birthdays or Christmas
– Make a coupon book filled with actions or jobs you can do (we love the cheese)
– Set aside a day where you and this person can have one-on-one time, and you can be as extravagant as you want to be


Easter isn’t about the bunnies, it’s about the Lamb. Come back for a celebration treat, activity, and more! Also, if you haven’t already, wrap up our second book of the year, “Kidnapped,” so you’ll have a spoiler free book review!

See You Next Month!