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DECEMBER — ‘Tis the Season for a Resolution

Hello Dear Reader,

Merry Late Christmas and Happy Almost New Year! I can’t believe that this is truly the last newsletter of the year. It’s definitely something that is bittersweet. We have lots to cover in this issue, so I’ll not keep you on your toes. Coming up, some reminiscing over the past year, a new section of the newsletter, and something to kickstart you for the new year! But first, our usuals.


Christmas from the animal’s point of view…

Verse of the Month

“Let us hope unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.”

Galatians 6:10 ESV

An Ode to 2023

This past year, we have covered a vast number of topics. But my by far most favorite was actually being able to see the places I was writing about. To experience it in God’s Holy Land. It was like The Abditory was coming to life, and Rivka was a real person. It is something that I will always treasure and keep tucked away in a special part of my heart. I hope that my humble newsletter post can give you, dear reader, even a 1/10 of what it was like. 

Having heard mine, I would love to hear from you! Which of the 2023 newsletters was your favorite? Click on the button below!

Here’s a complete guide that you can reference at any time!

Whiffy Destiny 

Sneak Peak from Book 2

Books & Weddings

Rivka & Israel

One-Year Anniversary

Book Recommendations

Brazilian Limeade 

Christian Female Authors

All Your Questions Answered

Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins Recipe

Christmas Gift Guide

New Section Coming 2024!

Starting in 2024, we’ll be welcoming another section to the newsletter! In honor of my new book, Servina, The Friendly Dog, you’ll be receiving Servina content monthly!

Here Are Your Resolution Ideas:

* Just a quick side note, these are ranked based off your response to the Instagram poll at the beginning of the month! *


1. Try a new recipe every week

  • If you break it down, that’s only 52 new recipes for the entire year! A great way to find new recipes are to use Pinterest, Natasha’s Kitchen, or even cookbooks from your local stores.

2. Read 1 new book per month

  • If you liked the breakdown method from before, then it’s only 12 new books per year – even less than the recipes! If you want to make it more challenging, make it categorial. For example, 1 new classic book per month (Pride & Prejudice, Emma, The Count of Monte Cristo, etc.).

3. Do a daily act of kindness

  • Hold the door for someone, pay it forward, compliment someone, clean something you normally wouldn’t, leave a big tip, send flowers to a friend, text someone a positive message, and the list continues.


1. Learn a new instrument

  • The level of difficulty can be chosen based on what instrument you choose. For example, a more difficult one could be the violin, while a simpler one could be the recorder or ukelele. The options are endless.

2. Exercise 3x a week

  • Yes, this might be one of the most overrated New Years resolutions there is, but there is a way to overcome the hump that stops so many. One way is instead of trying to work out every day, just start small. After that, start with easy workouts and move your way up. Discipline is key.

3. Limit your screen time

  • Personally, I’m surprised that this wasn’t in the hard category, but hey, the people spoke! Some ways to achieve this goal is by setting a time limit, most phones are now compatible in that way. Another way is to set times when you’re “not allowed” on your phone. For example, not going on your phone after 10pm.


1. Keep up with a gratitude journal

  • This was rated the most difficult, so here are some tips to try and achieve this goal! You could place the journal by your bed and complete it every morning and/or night. Another option would be to set a reminder on your phone. Placing sticky notes around your house is probably the messiest of the options, but you’d definitely see the reminder!


This year has been absolutely phenomenal, and I can’t wait to see where the new one takes us. Farewell 2023 and welcome 2024!

See You Next Month!