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SEPTEMBER— Character Introduction & Getting to Know YOU!

Hello Dear Readers, 

Welcome back! I hope you’re enjoying this cold weather that’s upon us (at least, where I’m from) and that you’re basking in the beautiful fall scenery. Last time you got to know a little bit more about me, but now I want to hear for you! Please shoot me an email telling me about yourself, likes, dislikes, and about your reading journey. I’ve also included a little questionnaire to make it easier and get your true and honest thoughts.

On top of that, I have an exciting surprise – I have a face to one of the beloved characters that you have been reading about!


Meet Gidon Ben-Reuben – a young Jewish man part of the Israeli Zealot Order. The oldest of eleven children, Gidon has the weight of familial responsibilities and a responsibility to his country. His hatred for Rome and dream of a free nation is what keeps him going. While he is a shrewd man, he sometimes can’t help but give into his fierce zeal which can lead to dire consequences. 

Read his whole story in “The Abditory.”


“‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’ The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. ” Lamentations 3:24-26 ESV


As always, thanks for reading and keep an eye out on my Instagram for more character reveals! They only get better and better…

See You Next Month!